Terry Oldfield
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Yoga Harmony
AV: Before we get down to questions about your
latest CD, could you tell our readers a little bit about yourself and how you
got started creating the style of music that you do now?
TO: My
musical career started originally working in television in the early 80's and
the 'New Age' albums were a spin off from that work. Composing music for images
was second nature to me and my work moved in a natural progression - from
landscape, where the picture is right there in front of you, to soundscape
where the listener is invited to travel within, to an inner world of
imagination. I now live in the subtropical part ofAustralia and still compose music
for both my CDs and film, finding fulfillment in the balance between the two
worlds of inner and outer.
AV: Your latest CD, Yoga Harmony, was released
awhile back. What was the inspiration for this project and when did you
actually start work on it?
TO: I began work on this project early in 2003. It was actually released in the Spring of
2004 - I had recently become an ardent student of Yoga and wanted to use the
focus of energy that Yoga created to channel into my work. It was an easy
flowing period of writing and I enjoyed the flute playing which was mostly
improvised on the spot as I wanted to create an atmosphere of spontaneity -
keeping the awareness in 'present time' which is what Yoga is all about
AV: Once
you get an idea for a music project like Yoga Harmony do you set aside the time to work
on the music and dedicate your full attention to the project or is it a little
less structured than that?
TO: I tend to integrate my current project into my daily life in such a way
as to create a balance once again between the inner and outer, the physical and
the mental, the head and the heart, etc., etc.
For example we have a large garden here and it takes a lot of physical
work to maintain. So I might do a couple of hours in the studio and then go out
and plant a tree or two. This helps me
to keep a focus on what I'm doing as it satisfies the whole Me in a way that
maintains both health and peace of mind which are both essential to creative
AV: Did
beginning Yoga Harmony bring to mind echoes of your previous works and how
do you let your new work be its own creation without becoming too derivative of
what you have created before?
TO: When I finish a project I hardly ever listen to that music again and
once I am sure that all the groundwork is done for its' release into the world
I tend to let it go completely. Also I rarely listen to any musicians at all
who work in the same field as myself as I have a retentive memory for tunes,
which I feel, could definitely influence my work. This is not true of classical
music and I often listen to the great classical composers, particularly in the
car whilst driving, or whilst flying. I feel that I have a general style of
flute playing which is generally a reflection of how I respond and feel about
life. I try to free myself from patterns and habits in my playing and Yoga once
again is a great help in keeping the music spontaneous and free of repetition.
AV: On a
project like Yoga Harmony do you isolate
yourself during the creation process or do you sometimes seek outside opinions
as to how things are going?
TO: Nobody hears what I'm working on until I am happy that it is finished.
This keeps the work clear of any outside influence in the way of likes and
dislikes because on the face of it everyone has different tastes and it is easy
to be affected by the opinions of others. Of course when the work is complete
it is open to all. This does not apply to my work with film as then I am acting
as a tool or what I like to call a 'Tunesmith' for the people who are making
the movie. It is not essentially my project and I am open to the influence of
AV: Tell
me about what you found satisfying within Yoga Harmony and is this
feeling the same for all the music that you create?
TO: Satisfaction is in completing things - whether this is a whole CD - a
single passage or track - or even just a flute take. The actual experience of
playing contains no satisfaction as I am immersed in the experience and the subject-object
division is not there - However when I listen back the satisfaction comes -
when I can stand back and witness the work. Perhaps all artists are the same?
AV: If
someone were to pick up Yoga Harmony what would they find there? Give me
an idea of the feel of your latest release as compared to some of your other
work. Would your regular listeners recognize it as your “style” or might they
be surprised?
TO: It is quite Indian-Oriental in feel and I hope that people who know my
music would recognize the essential essence in it but at the same time feel the
newness and spontaneity that surrounds me in those creative moments.
AV: When did you know that this project was done
and that tweaking the mix would not make it any better?
TO: Each track is completed before I
start on the next so that there is a fresh approach to each. Somehow I just
know when it's finished and usually that comes about suddenly - much quicker
than I thought it would. For instance, I might come into the studio expecting
another 2 days work on a track and be out of there by mid morning with a happy
smile on my face.
AV: Do you ever feel apprehensive when it comes
time to take a project like this to the next stage and release it to the
TO: Not at
all. The main thing is that I have done
my best and I just let it go.
AV: What kind of feedback have you been getting
since releasing this CD? How closely do you follow reviews or the comments you
receive from your listeners?
TO: My web designer and friend Carole Martin keeps a very close eye on
things for me and I hardly take any notice although I read all the reviews and
am happy when people send me letters and say nice things about the music.
AV: When you finish a project like this and it
has had a little time to settle down after the official release do you ever go
back and take a critical look at the project and think about things that might
have been done differently or have you already moved on in your mind to your
next creation?
TO: Already moved on and away into something
AV: Being intimately familiar with this work
what will listeners take away from this CD after they have listened to it a few
times? What are you own hopes for this music when it leaves your hands and is
given over to the listeners?
TO: I just hope it gets spread about as much as
possible and that it brings some joy and peace into people's lives whilst at
the same time providing me with a living that will enable me to carry on
composing music.
AV: When will this release be available and how
can AV’s readers get a copy of their own?
TO: It
is available now and has been for a while from all good retailers and from my
own internet shop at: www.TerryOldfield.com,
where I am happy to provide signed copies at no extra charge.
AV: Thanks for taking the time out to talk to us and give us some insights into your latest release. I wish you much
success with all the music that is still yet to be released by you in the years to come.