Guitarist Tony Gerber has been around for decades, and is still one of the foremost spacemusic performers, both by himself and with his band, “Spacecraft.” From his website, you can see that he’s been active in many different musical forms, from bluegrass, jazz, and rock, to way-out spacemusic. He’s also a commercial artist and a planetarium performer.
Much of the work I’ve heard of Gerber’s tends towards the prog-rock style, especially the material with “Spacecraft.” But this album, though most of the sounds on it are originally produced on electric guitar, is a trip into spacey ambient, of the kind that anyone who listened to music in the ‘60s will recognize. It was recorded live for a radio concert in 1994, and is edited for this recording. “Airwaves” has elements of drone and even atonal noise-clustering, but much of it is meditative, well-reverbed, soft improvisation in a minor-modal scale, in an, uh, “fragrant” mood suitable for colorful lights and imaginative meditation. I find “Airwaves” calming and restful, even without the help of a beanbag cushion.
This album was first released in 2000 and I have had it for quite a while, hoping to eventually do a review of it. I am willing to post this review of a not-so-recent album because I think it stands out in its genre as a nicely done set of late twentieth-century space ambient soundtracks. It’s good music for astrophysical dreams.
by Hannah M.G. Shapero for
Ambient Visions