Reviews 11-26-2000 |
Music Reviews |
Enamoured by Bella Sonus Neurodisc Records |
Bella Sonus consists of Robert Smith and Angel Suarez with Robert handling producing/programming and being the multi-instrumentalist of the group and Angel playing the Flamenco Guitar and giving us her sultry vocal stylings. From the soft sensual opening track with the slow steady beat accented by the soft female voice and the acoustic guitar you know that this CD is going to be a aural delight. Angel's Flamenco guitar provides an excellent counterpoint to the lush electronic arrangements of Robert Smith but the guitar is but one element of the overall music that pours out of your speakers. Add a dash of Gregorian style chants in the song Crimson Sands and you have something very akin to Enigma but with much more depth. The sensuality of most of these songs is a thread that runs from the beginning to the end of the CD. The beats and the rhythms are restrained but combined with the vocals, the chants and the acoustic guitar you have a wonderful collection of songs that will stimulate and relax you at the same time. In a style as classic as the traditional flamenco guitarists of old and as modern as the latest creations on the ambient scene is where you would find Bella Sonus. A perfect blending of the old and the new to create their own unique sound. A sound that I'm sure you will enjoy. |
Heaven and Earth by Char-El |
Although this second effort from Char-El was released in March of this year we only recently became aware of it and would like to make amends by offering it up for review during this week's collection of reviews. The CD is a two-disc set with one disc offering us Heaven and the other disc Earth. Heaven, disc 1 of this set, treats the listener to a wondrous collection of tracks that are both meditative in nature yet offers the spirit a chance to fly towards the stars. This disc is a mirror image of Earth offering the traveller sequenced melodies as well as synths that float about the composition with the lightness of clouds on a summers day. On the other hand Earth is a powerful collection of songs that runs the gamut from quiet and introspective pieces to songs that border on rock anthems in the spirit of David Arkenstone's music. I think that the Earth even includes a nod towards sci-fi with track number 7 on disc 2 called the Visitors. Take a listen yourself and see what it reminds you of. The tracks on Earth bring more instrumentation to bear including a guest appearance by Larry Clark whose guitar soars above the music with expert craftsmanship and at times reminds one of the wonderful guitar work done on many of the Moody Blues CD's. The digital drums of Doug Bonell and Chris Stoll bring even more depth and emotion to these wonderful compositions. The songs form a cohesive whole with each one building on the previous track and taking the listener deeper into the essence of Earth. All the while the keyboard work of Char-El intertwines exquisitely with the other instruments and acts as the guiding light in this journey of sound. The music lifts you up to the Heavens on disc 1 and then brings you back down to Earth with disc 2 leaving you right where you started but with a smile on your face from the journey that you have just completed. Definitely a disc that should be in your collection and well worth the wait. |