Reviews 01-14-2001 |
Music Reviews |
Steve Roach, Thupten Pema Lama
"Prayers to the Protector" is such a sacred and inspirational album that it feels almost sacrilegious to review it. The liner notes tell of a visit by Thupten Pema Lama, of The Monks of the Dip Tse Chok Ling Monastery, to the home of Steve Roach and Linda Kohanov in Tucson. Linda's notes relate the tale of the visit with warmth, clarity, humor, grace and charm. The spirituality of the event is evident. Steve has gone to great lengths to build the proper soundscapes to compliment the prayers that were chanted that afternoon in the spring of 1996. His efforts are repaid tenfold! His atmospheric soundworld creates the perfect background for meditating with this great holy man. The liner notes also provide interpretations of the chants. They are helpful but the intense spirituality of the chants is crystal clear in any language. (I'll step out of the norm here to relate some personal reflections. First, this was easily the most difficult review that I have written. The deeply personal nature of prayer and meditation is something that I share freely and willingly. However the outright holiness of this CD kept drawing my focus away from the intellectual back to my heart and soul. Thus, it became difficult for the pen to work with the paper while listening. It was equally as hard to define the emotions and feelings when writing and not listening. Second, I first heard this CD at Steve's home during the reception following the Steve Roach/Jorge Reyes event in May, 2000. I was sitting on his patio gazing at the desert and the mountains. I began to meditate to the sounds of the chants and Steve's soundworlds and I got chills even though it was close to 110 degrees outside. I still get chills when I get in touch with the feelings evoked by that moment. This CD brings me back to that event. In getting to know Steve through his music, communications in cyberspace (e-mail!) and our brief encounter in Tucson, I have come to learn that he is a spiritual and sensitive man. I can only imagined how excited he was to make this album. I can also appreciate his description of putting together the soundscape to accompany the prayers. I look forward to seeing Steve again. I will embrace him warmly and thank him for this CD. It has become, for me, a spiritual essential. It is also an exciting part of my daily prayer and meditation rituals. THANK YOU, STEVE!) Reviewed by Jim Brenholts |